22 August 2010

What is the point?

The point is that American citizens are building a community center near (a relative term), not adjacent to, the property where the Twin Towers once stood, a scene that evokes horrible memories in the mind of every American who remembers that day, but not hallowed ground.

This story has succeeded in doing two things. Dividing Americans and over two sides of an issue that should be just a minor news item. Second, it has us distracted us from what is really important, this nation, its survival, and its universal values.

I am well aware of events that have occurred. I understand your anger, I understand your mistrust, I even understand your hatred, but we are fighting each other instead of for what is right. If you cannot understand that, we are at an impasse. For that I am truly sorry, because if we cannot understand each other, how are we to understand the rest of the people in the world on a planet that obviously seems to be getting smaller every day.

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