25 August 2010

Thanks to the individual who posted this link on Yelp.
A past featured entertainment at the Feast of Lanterns in Indianaplis http://ow.ly/2uH0A
A past featured artist at the
http://ow.ly/2uGn9 Location of the annual Feast of Lanterns in Indianapolis. August 28, 2010 Noon to 11:00 PM. On Facebook at http://ow.ly/2uGjX

22 August 2010

What is the point?

The point is that American citizens are building a community center near (a relative term), not adjacent to, the property where the Twin Towers once stood, a scene that evokes horrible memories in the mind of every American who remembers that day, but not hallowed ground.

This story has succeeded in doing two things. Dividing Americans and over two sides of an issue that should be just a minor news item. Second, it has us distracted us from what is really important, this nation, its survival, and its universal values.

I am well aware of events that have occurred. I understand your anger, I understand your mistrust, I even understand your hatred, but we are fighting each other instead of for what is right. If you cannot understand that, we are at an impasse. For that I am truly sorry, because if we cannot understand each other, how are we to understand the rest of the people in the world on a planet that obviously seems to be getting smaller every day.

19 August 2010

Is your religion better?

People often quote the phrase convert or die from the Quran. Many books, texts, religions, and philosophies include interpretations that people interpret or take literally to point out those ideas or beliefs are bad, strange, wrong, or just a cult. Others use these concepts to belittle those who are different, justify behavior, take away rights of others and give privileges to themselves, treat them as property, or even kill.

There are many references in the New Testament where it is said that you must repent and believe or die. Text like that can just as easily be taken out of context. There are many parts of the New Testament that are glossed over because people choose to not take them literally. Then of course there is the Old Testament. Many people argue that the New Testament does not totally replace the Old.

The point here is that religion can be used to make us better people, or used to motivate people to do horrible things in the name of God. Do you think God orders people to kill sinners? Do you think people who kill prostitutes, blow up abortion clinics, or beat up homosexuals are doing so in God's name or out of hate and fear. It is that hate and fear that we need to avoid, not each other and those who are different.

What President Obama really said

Despite what sources like Fox News and Rush Limbaugh say, President Obama said that he supported the religious freedom to build the Mosque and community center.

Besides, once you start labeling one religious group as a cult, you open the door to the majority deciding what is a religion and what is not.

Do you want to see a day when conservative religious beliefs are seen to be in direct conflict with the majority of society and in dangerous conflict with laws of society, and therefore a cult?

Certain people are using this as an opportunity to equate Muslim Americans with terrorists and marginalize yet another group in order to stir up anger to get votes.

You are welcome to your own opinion and can choose to vote however you want, vote for what you believe in, vote for what you think it right, but don't vote out of anger.

14 August 2010

A "debate" on the Muslim community center near ground zero

Here is a conversation that occurred on a social networking site. I have replaced names of those involved in the conversation. Only those involved in the conversation may recognize those involved. References to well-known people are retained.
I removed one duplicate entry, but I have not otherwise edited the conversation. You may find spelling and grammar errors and offensive language and content. You have been warned.
Feel free to comment, but follow the rules even if you want to scream.

Think i am gonna puke. The president of the united states just said that he fully supports the mosque at ground zero. Great job america.
Great. Let's make everything we've fought for and the brothers we lost amount to nothing. I quit.
And this surprises anyone???????
it does not suprise me one bit
He's a limp DICK!
We were attacked by terrorists who happened to be Muslim, so all Muslims are evil? Adolf Hitler claimed to be Christian, but I'm pretty sure we wouldn't claim him. I've never been a huge Obama fan, but I would say this is a pretty strong statement that we won't allow hate, fear, and prejudice get the upper hand.
Read their Quran! They are more of a hate group and less of a religion.
Watched a show the other night that had a secret camera in a grocery store and actors playing a cashier and a Muslim lady (dressed in veil). The cashier refused to help the lady and demanded that she leave the store because HER people caused 9/11. The majority of bystanders either did nothing or supported the cashier. That's the real problem, not whether there's a mosque at ground zero. The one guy who did defend the lady lost a son in Afghanistan. I guess he's an idiot like Obama.
Yes he is....and you should move to the middle east!
Since Gods country is there, that would be Israel in case you didn't know, I might just do that. Nah, I want to make sure this great country doesn't allow bigots to ruin it.
actually, if you read about Hitler and the history of the SS, you'll notice that both he and Himmler started it as a way to revive the old Germanic pagan religions. They originally celebrated Yule instead of Christmas where the SS were gathered, and even the SS symbol was a pair of german runic S's. I think that Hitler may have tried to use a "christian" appeal to increase antisemitism, but he really wanted a german pride that extended even to its religious roots. We americans should take the moral high ground and allow for religious freedom like our constitution says. But I will say that from what I read of the koran, Islam is the only religion I know whose scripture and doctrine actively support terrorism and all the atrocities that have made it famous. It is the one religion whose belief structure is consistent with all the crap done in the name of religion. So... is it possible to be a true american and support the constution while simultaneously not allowing a religion to flourish that would trample on that constitution? Discuss.
I don't hate Muslims, it's just that everywhere I go that has a majority of the people who follow Islam, they all try to kill me. I also know that the more militant followers usually build a mosque on ground where they defeated an enemy. I don't have a problem with a mosque being built, just not in a place that will send a message of weakness to those who tried to destoy us. JB, I see and respect your point of view, and I am against unjust discrimination and treatment of anyone, but I also have had a lot of very close encounters with those who would kill us all, and I have lost many good brothers as well. I cannot support this.
Obama didn't win a single county in the great {conservative} state of Oklahoma ...
sad thing we should be building peace and this is only creating more dissention.
I want to move to Texas or Oklahoma. Where the true conservatives are.
The radical muslims are trained to kill infidels. Where is the love in that?
just what you would expect from a muslim!!!
I'm with MSW. I want peace. Unfortunately, the nation of Islam doesn't seem to want peace here. Oh, and MC, you said it best!
Wow...this country hasn't progressed as far as it would like to think from the 50s. I guess the african-american community should be teaching their kids to hate all Christians because the KKK, which boasts of their Christian values, tormented them for years. I thought the movie The Siege with Denzel Washington was scary, but seeing it play out in real life is even worse.
Another sad day in American history. I'd like to know, of all places, why they justify wanting a Mosque there.
so all african americans arent Christians? Some Christians twist things around, but the Bible doesnt teach us to kill non believers. Not saying all muslims are bad, but if they are faithful to the koran, they cant be good
Sorry, I'm with JB. We can't use the Bill of Rights (Amendment I, specifically in this case) to defend our own freedom while ignoring it to shut down someone else's. The Bill of Rights has to cover those we agree with and those we don't
Also, you can't assume that all Muslims are terrorists in the same way that you can't assume that all Christians will stand outside a soldier's funeral holding a sign that says "God Hates F@gs". There are extremists and undesirables on all sides.
Obama might be right on this one, IF he's using the constitution as grounds to stand on. Well, even a stopped watch is right twice a day.
I would also like to add that I wish they wouldn't put one there. I wish they would see that others see it as hurtful and find some other overpriced chunk of real estate to put it on. However, if one religious group can be stopped from building, there's nothing stopping a community who is unsupportive of Christianity from blocking a church from building in their area. I wouldn't like to see that either, and I can't have it both ways.
The Old Testament is filled with stories of God instructing His people to kill men, women, and children of nations who were unbelievers. It's harsh stuff. It doesn't change my Christian faith,because I trust God knows what He is doing, but one definitely can't say that since the Koran is more violent than the Bible we should isolate all Muslims and label them inferior. Or, let's just give in to all this fear, round up the muslims and make them live in their own camps.
But the point is. He is the President of the US. At least be political. Lol. 68% of the nation say they don't want it there. Its the arrogance. Church and state. If a neihborhood is attacked by a serial killer. Then his family decides to build a house next door. Would you want them next door to the house that the killing was done? Even though they didn't do the killing. Its just so in your face.
The Old Testament was geared for very different times and people. I believe most Christians follow the New T. And how did this become a black and white issue anyway? This is about politics. I don't care if the President is pink, purple or green. If a certain group of people, religion or otherwise, wants to kill my family, and the families of my country, I don't feel they should have any rights here...period!
So I guess if 68% of America wanted slavery back he should do it because that's what America wants? Wow. Man, I hope some crazy middle school math teacher doesn't decide to commit some terrorist act or I'm going to be lumped in with the Muslims.

13 August 2010

Operation Unity: Opposition through Action August 20 · 5:30pm - 7:30pm City Market Plaza, 222 E Market St, Indianapolis, IN
Arizona's Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, will be in Indiana as a "special guest" of Indiana Treasurer Richard Mourdock. Thanks to one of the state's top elected officials, Hoosiers will be faced with an out-of-town visitor whose presence will inflame sentiments against many Hoosiers.
http://ow.ly/2poFE http://ow.ly/i/3bL2

11 August 2010

What is justice when the police break the law?

I respect law enforcement officers, but I have no respect for those in the system who work the system. Whose job is it to make sure that the law is enforced and that rules are applied within a police system ran by a political appointee?

When an accident occurs with a police officer driving a government vehicle, how long does it take to process blood alcohol levels and to enforce the existing rules? Are we playing politics or applying a different set of rules to law enforcement officers?

The answers to these questions are important to society. When events like these occur on top of recent racially fired events with a history of racial accusations of the past, who has responded? When laws are passed to inhibit pan-handling, a law rarely enforced outside areas of affluence and in the views of tourists, while homeless people, many who are vets, are quietly barred from camping under a bridge within eyesight of our downtown, who is to stand up for the downtrodden. Any answers?


Justice is not only blind, it's silent. When laws are not applied equally to all people, we have no laws, no justice, no freedom.

Indianapolis Star article referenced under fair use exception of copyright laws.

08 August 2010

Link: Republican Stupidity in Action.

Posted by republicansareidiots on July 23, 2010 at 5:44 PM

The following is an ACTUAL conversation that I had with a Log Cabin Republican over the last 3 days through messages on Facebook. We have a mutual friend and he tried to add me because he saw a politically motivated comment I made on our mutual friend's page. I didn't want to add him so I sent him a message instead. This is a PERFECT example of why I am disgusted by Republicans and how utterly stupid and greedy they are;

Read the whole blog Republican Stupidity in Action. (Conversation with a Log Cabin Republican)

05 August 2010

Link: Addressing a Few Red Herrings

Posted Thursday, August 5, 2010 by MSWallack @ 1:57 PM at Me Me Me Me Me

So what would happen if a state were to have a referendum and, by a 52-48 majority, the people chose to ban all guns (except for those owned by the police)? What if a community held a referendum and a majority of the community chose to prevent African Americans from owning property in the community? What if a state legislature passed a law banning Islam? What if that state passed a law that required the Catholic church to ordain women or Jews to eat pork? What if a local community voted to require students in its public schools to pray to Jesus or observe Lent?

View complete blog at Me Me Me Me Me: Addressing a Few Red Herrings

04 August 2010

What is Going off the deep left end?

Going off the deep end is an expression referring to going into the deepest end of the pool. It is often used to refer to going into the most complicated part of something, the deepest in thought, or most complicated. It is also connects the word deep as extreme and the left end which refers to the left end of the political spectrum, general referred to as liberal. I hope to discuss political issues that run the gamut from local to international from my own mix of liberal perspectives.

My only rules are be civil, thoughtful, and honest, including not pretending to be someone other than you are not. I may refuse to permit an obscene post or choose to edit it if possible. Say that you like or dislike a certain political policy for specific reasons that refer to the policy. Do not attack ideas or people because you just think they are wrong, stupid, or you don't like them.