04 August 2010

What is Going off the deep left end?

Going off the deep end is an expression referring to going into the deepest end of the pool. It is often used to refer to going into the most complicated part of something, the deepest in thought, or most complicated. It is also connects the word deep as extreme and the left end which refers to the left end of the political spectrum, general referred to as liberal. I hope to discuss political issues that run the gamut from local to international from my own mix of liberal perspectives.

My only rules are be civil, thoughtful, and honest, including not pretending to be someone other than you are not. I may refuse to permit an obscene post or choose to edit it if possible. Say that you like or dislike a certain political policy for specific reasons that refer to the policy. Do not attack ideas or people because you just think they are wrong, stupid, or you don't like them.

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My only rules are be civil, thoughtful, and honest, including not pretending to be someone other than you are not. I may refuse to permit an obscene post or choose to edit it if possible. Say that you like or dislike a certain political policy for specific reasons that refer to the policy. Do not attack ideas or people because you just think they are wrong, stupid, or you don't like them.